Although I cannot consider myself a vintage jeans collector, I've been furtunate enough to study lots of original BigE's from different eras came in for repairs, as well as most of the finest replica brands of the last decade.
All my jeans are made selecting the finest unsanforized japanese selvedge denim, woven on vintage shuttle looms and sewn only with cotton threads.
Cotton threads are of course weaker than poly, but are essential in order to obtain a certain kind of aging and a specific aesthetic, they fade, they shrink, they brake, plus they look fantastic.
During the past 4 years I've been lucky enough to find and collect several vintage industrial sewing machines. It was a journey and still is. Not an easy task at all, if it hadn't been for some cool friend and skilled denim maker (you know who you are) it would have been much harder for sure.
I believe, vintage sewing machines, are foundamental and ultra important in order to get the result and characther I was looking for. These machines, most of the time, have been literally resurrected.
I've been teached to appreciate not only the right side of a garment, but the wrong side as well.
In order to get that old school construction, stitch formation, imperfections and aesthetics of the good old days, vintage sewing machines are essential.
All my jeans are designed, cut, hand folded and sewn by myself one at a time.
The way I make things is committed to creates something special, something to be proud of.